Friday, March 20, 2009

Only Sometimes

Sometimes I close my eyes& dream
Other times I feel I need to scream

Sometimes I just feel safe

But soon I find myself lonely.. in a cave

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

I'm scared

really scared

Is it time to quit dreaming??


وحـــــــــــى القلم said...

" But soon I find myself lonely.. in a cave "
Dear ,, you aren't alone
(sometimes when the world not in your side
you don't know where to run to
you don't know where to hide
you gaze at the stars in the sky
at the mountains so high
through the tears in your eyes
looking for a reason to replace what is gone !
Just remember that you are never alone
ALLAH is always there)
I really like these words
OH , dear you should also remember those people who really love you
It seems that you forgot me dear
" Is it time to quit dreaming?? "
No, of course not
Your hopes, dreams and aspirations are legitimate. They are trying to take you airborne, above the clouds, above the storms, if you only let them.

Special Designer said...

سلام عليكم

برغم ان البوست مش عن موضوع معين
إلا إنها كلمات جميلة

هي حميلة عشان عرفت أترجمها

تقبلي مروري
Special Designer

Anonymous said...

يشرفنى ان ادعوك لحضور حفل توقيع أول كتاب لى فى عالم الادب " لست الا بعض الاوراق" والذى يقام باذن الله يوم الاحد 5 ابريل 2009

المكان : مكتبة ديوان بمصر الجديدة
العنوان : 105 شارع ابو بكر الصديق مصر الجديدة – مقابل نادى ضباط الجلاء بمصر الجديدة
التاريخ : الاحد 5 ابريل 2009
الميعاد : 7 مساءا

فى انتظار تشريفك

mohamed ghalia said...

اعتقد أنه لاداعى للخوف
ولنترك الوحدة

د.آيه said...

simply it is life my dear...
with love

هيثم مكارم said...

" Is it time to quit dreaming?? "

no , it is the time to learn how to dream.

أسعدني جداً مروري بمدونتك ، فتقبلي مروري وتحياتي.

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...

وحي القلم

Thanks for your nice words.
I also like them a lot.

Thanks.... u r right of course, but sometimes these feelings pass by when you find no one around you seriously.

If only I let them?? I'm not sure of it. Sometimes I just wish to stop dreaming!! not let them free more.
Thanks again for your words:). they're really nice. Rabbena yataqabbal mennek.

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...

Special Designer,

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

شكرا ليك

كويس إن الكلمات سهل تترجم مش زي ترجمة المعانى

شكرا لمرورك و تعليقك :)

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...


اسم الكتاب جميل ماشاء الله

ألف مبروك لحضرتك ويارب تحقق كل أحلامك

شكرا كتير على الدعوة.أتمنالك يوم موفق

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...

mohamed ghalia,

و كيف نترك الوحدة إذا وجدنا أنفسنا بلا أحباء قريبين منا؟؟

ياريت فعلا :)

شكرا لوجودك

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...

د. آية




Thank you sweet girl.

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...

هيثم مكارم

و سعدت به أيضا


Time to learn how to dream?? I liked these words a lot:)... but I'm not so sure I can do it.

sakayar said...

Don't stop to dream
We can feel safe
There is no need to scream
and tears you should save

In your cave there is two angels and Allah with them
Why being scared?
Just imagine that

and for you read this song
and here is its words if the link doesn't work.

You are never alone
When the world's not on your side
You don't know where to run to
You don't know where to hide

You gaze at the stars in the sky
At the mountains so high
Through the tears in your eyes

Looking for a reason
To replace what is gone

Just remeber:: remember
That you are never alone

You are never alone
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there

You are never alone
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone

So now
As you long for your past
Prepare for your future
But knowing nothing's gonna last

You see
This life is but a road
A straight and narrow path
To our final abode

So travel well Oh muslim
And paradise will be your home
And always remember
That you are never alone

You are never alone
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there

You are never alone
Allah is there
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone

You are never alone
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there

You are never alone
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone

Banota said...

Is it time to quit dreaming ??

i think so .. or it is the time to stop thinking
may be i was wrong when i thought that .. heba r u sad ?