Today was a historical day in Egypt...
A historical day for me too ^_^ whatever the result will be.
My first time ever to go to presidential elections ..
My first time to vote in elections... almost not knowing what the result would be :)
Since hundreds of years, since ...... Forever :)) We've never had elections with many presidential candidates like this time ^_^
Yearning for Freedom ... For Democracy.
Well said .....We never faced such a situation before :)....Really glad to see you posting again :)
Thank you very much :)
Whatever the result is, I believe I'll always be happy I had the chance to vote in presidential elections one day :).
هي التجربة الابرز في تاريخ مصر والكثير من المصريين
للاسف ما اتكتبش ليه شرف الانتخاب لظروف الاجازات والعمل
رئيس جمهورية نفسي
بجد؟؟ :( مأخدتوش أجازة ليـــه كلكوا مع بعض؟؟ غريبة ! معلـــــــش.. دي حاجة غلسة أوي بصراحةَ :(
نورت يا سيادة الرئيس :)
يوم حضاري ملئ بالبهجه
نتيجه مخيبه للأمال والطموحات
دمتي بكل الود
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